3 Quick, Actionable SEO Tips For Content Marketers

SEO is everywhere, you hear about it all the time, but do you really know what it is? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or web page in a search engine’s unpaid results- commonly referred to as ‘natural,' 'organic,' or 'earned' results. While link building and on-site optimization still remain as important aspects of any good SEO campaign, content has emerged in recent years as a fresh new way to improve your credibility and authority within your chosen industry, thereby driving up traffic and visibility.
Help Google Find You with Appropriate Internal Link Structure
If you want to rank well in Google search, you need to have a solid internal link structure. The goal of an internal link is to help users find the content they're looking for on your site, and to make sure that Google indexes that information.
Here are some tips for making your internal links work:
- Make sure each piece of content is related to the others. You don't want to create a confusing mess of unrelated pages, and you also don't want to create too many pages that are all about the same thing. Create a balance between variety and focus by categorizing your content into different categories or topics.
- Use clear, descriptive titles for each page on your site (especially those with high SEO value). This helps people find what they're looking for when they're searching on Google or other search engines, as well as helping search engines understand what each page is about so it can be indexed appropriately by crawlers and algorithms within their system.
- Use relevant keywords throughout your site—but don't go overboard! If every single piece of content has its own unique keyword phrase attached (like "Truck Detailing", "Auto Detailers", "Truck Polishing,", “Big Rig Truck Detailing”, “Aluminum Polishing”, “Detailing Industry”, or "Detailers website developer"). make your keyword relatable to readers.
Think About Topic Relevance vs. Keyword Relevance
One of the most common mistakes that content marketers make is creating content that is too keyword-focused. It's important to think about topic relevance vs. keyword relevance when you're writing content, because a piece of content that is focused on a specific topic but doesn't contain relevant keywords won't get picked up by search engines and will be far less likely to be shared on social media, which is how most people find new content these days.
Your goal should be to create pieces of content that are both useful and shareable, which means you need to write about topics that are relevant to your audience and also include keywords that are related to those topics.
Write Content for an Audience, Not for Google.
When you write for your audience, you're more likely to create content that is engaging and valuable. In turn, that means you'll get more traffic from search engines, which can help drive more leads and sales.
SEO is about getting your website in front of people who are looking for your products or services, but it's also about getting them interested enough in what you have to say that they stay on your site long enough to consider making a purchase. The best way to do this is by writing content that speaks directly to the needs of your potential customers.
If you optimize your content for search engines and users, you'll maximize your chances of doing well in search results.
As we've seen, optimizing your content is an essential part of SEO. It's a process that requires careful thought and consideration, but if you follow these best practices and put the time into developing great content, it will pay off for years to come.